Oneness Ministry

We are One

Self Worth

Below is an interesting article which applies to our lives more than we know. Growing up with the pursuit of the rare and valuable is a metaphor for finding my own self worth. I am sure my family can relate. I laugh now because I can see it so clearly. Nothing wrong with it as it has a very useful message. Here is what I have learned.

Stop looking outside myself or even at my body for self-worth. Life can be amazing, yes, and it can be a wild goose chase too. It doesn’t matter how wonderful (or otherwise) it all is. The message is clear, love is found were we put it. This goes for whatever we seek, by the way. I love my birth family, those I grew up with, no questions asked. I always have. I wish I could say that about everyone I meet. Honestly, I don’t hate anyone and don’t remember ever hating anyone. A negative thought here and there sure. I get frustrated and angry like anyone else does and I have learned to let it go rather quickly. Point is, I am on an inner journey and sometimes I get distracted by “the world”. We all do.

I invite you to assess your life and what fulfills you the most. What brings you joy? The thrill of a chase? A rare find? A pretty object or image? How long does that joy last? Look beyond all the stereotypes we have forced down our throats daily. The American Dream is a myth and I suspect you already know that. Don’t let life distract you. For clarity, distractions are anything or anyone who does not support your spiritual journey. They can be the news, wants, pretty faces, warm cuddlies, hobbies, places, or any number of things.

Now I am asking you to consider letting go the material wealth (collectible stuff) you’ve built up over the years and let it fulfill others. (What you give, you receive.) Do this at a profit of course, wink, wink. Seriously, we don’t have to be poor to be spiritual. In fact, I think our bank account does reflect how we feel about our self-worth.

Things do not define us, unless you say they do. Saying or thinking so limits self considerably. Consider, who is the “I” in who you are? Pronouns are tricky things. Am “I” the observer or the observed, both or neither? I suppose this is the philosopher in me. I have been down this rabbit hole and found some answers, just not all of them… or else I would not be here. Don’t be afraid to find answers, because as we know, the Truth shall set you free!

Love and Light,

Sequoia Elisabeth


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Intrinsic Value

Intrinsic value, do you in and of yourself have value?  To whom?  Why?  This is our topic today because I am sure you have asked these questions before.  I know I have, and I am still working on a viable answer.  This question is also essential to a Resource Based Economy/Love Based Society.

A quick review of today’s society shows that value is based on what something or someone brings to the table, however everyone in your life serves some purpose.  Think about this carefully, because you may not be aware of the purpose certain people play in your life.  This exercise falls into the category of gratitude.  For instance the bus driver, she is there to get you where you are going but also to guide you or possibly share companionship.  Those who ride the same bus every day at the same time get to know the bus driver and the value of that relationship grows.

Have you thought of anyone with no intrinsic value yet?  How about the villain?  Make your choice, because they are plentiful in our society.  I think you know without a villain there are no heroes.  Ok, so how about a homeless person?  Do they have any value?  What purpose do they serve?

The purpose we all serve is to our Higher Self/ Soul.  We are here for a purpose and the purpose in itself has value if to no one else.  What makes a homeless person?  No home right!  It is of course a lot deeper than that.  The person is homeless because they have made choices that lead to their present situation.  It could be they lost a job, or are too unstable in mind to hold a job, which brings up another topic – jobs.

Does a person need a job to have worth/value?  Do they have to “contribute to society” to have worth/value?  Do they have value just for being themselves?  What if you did nothing, would you still have value, or to state it another way, do you have intrinsic value?  Once again life is a balance and needs both those in need and those to help.  It just depends on which role you decide to play.  Are you a hero or a villain; charity case or welfare worker?  It really matters not, because we all have intrinsic value or else we would not be here!

Think carefully on this because it is of great importance.  No matter what you do or don’t do, you have value to yourself at least, but probably to others you have no idea even exist.  Life is not hard although we often make it that way.  Be nice to yourself today and see the beauty in your existence!  “a Love Based Society” knows the value of each and every person while making sure they know it too!

🙂 Sequoia Elisabeth

Unity in Gender Diversity    Free eBook “a Love Based Society”

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